How Our Program Works

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Students work with 1 to 6 different teachers, depending on their grade level.

Branson provides each student with a laptop, which students use to log into our learning management system, Blackboard.

In Blackboard, students will find assignments for each week. Students complete and turn in work throughout the week.

Assignments are graded by the teacher(s) and returned to the student with feedback.

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Students communicate with their teacher(s) through phone and email.

Teachers also meet with students in secure online groups and online individual classes throughout the week.

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Branson provides field trip and picnic opportunities throughout the year. These activities provide students with the chance to meet their teacher(s) face to face as well as interact with Branson students from all over the state.

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Branson teachers have high expectations and strive to challenge each student at their academic level. We are also flexible and work successfully with a variety of families of diverse backgrounds and needs.